Portugese/Peruvian/Andean Style Knitting: My Gift to You

I belong to a knitting guild comprised of dozens of wonderful, talented “knitting sisters.” As a gift to them I’ll be offering a workshop on Portugese/Peruvian/Andean style knitting, which isn’t content with just these three names. It’s also known as Peruvian, Bosnian, Turkish style knitting … to name a few.  In an earlier post I described how this type of knitting is worked on the purl side of a piece, with the yarn wrapped around the neck or through a knitting pin. It’s an efficient, easy way to knit and I use it exclusively when I do Fair Isle knitting in the round. The method results in an even stitch tension and the “flows” pretty much strand themselves.

I designed my Two Color Portugese Cowl for the class and I’d like to share this free pattern with you. If you prefer to work the cowl on the outside, primarily in the knit stitch, carrying the floats on the back of the work, that’s fine! I’ve included instructions for that too.

I hope you enjoy this gift.

Two Color Portugese Cowl


 The model was knitted with 1 skein each of two colors of 100% wool worsted weight yarn.

Designed by Marcia McCormack

 Lena’s Legacy Hand Knits, Copyright 2014, All Rights Reserved


This pattern is for personal, non-commercial use only and may not be sold or reproduced.


Thank you for purchasing my pattern! If you have any questions as you work up the design, please contact me atlenaslegacyhandknits@gmail.com.


For knitting tips and links to more exciting designs, go to: https://lenaslegacyhandknits.wordpress.com


Skill Level



Designer’s Note: I’ve designed this cowl to be worked in the Portugese/Peruvian/Andean style of knitting. If you’ve never tried knitting in this style, I encourage you to try it! Tensioning the yarn around your neck or on a knitting pin and purling every round on the inside of the project is an efficient, easy way to do color work in the round. Creating a purl stitch is a simple matter of flicking your left thumb and the yarn pretty much strands itself! For more information, please see Andrea Wong’s website at: http://www.andreawongknits.com/. Also check out Andrea Wong’s videos on You Tube! If you prefer to knit in the traditional style, working on the outside of the project, I’ve included instructions for you too!


BLOCKED MEASUREMENTS: Circumference: 28”/71 cm, Length: 6 ½”/16.5cm.

GAUGE: In pattern stitch, 9.5 sts and 12 rows = 2” (5 cm). To save time and achieve the correct measurements, please take time to make a swatch gauge.


Worsted weight yarn (10-ply), 4 oz/113 g, 225 yds/205 m, Main Color (MC) and Contrasting Color (CC)

Size 9 (UK 5/5.5 mm) 16” (41 cm) circular needle or size needed to obtain correct gauge

Stitch markers

Tapestry needle

Optional: 2 knitting pins


Beg: Begin

CO: Cast on stitches

Dec: Decrease (decreasing)

Inc: Increase (increasing)

K: Knit stitch

P: Purl stitch

P2tog: purl 2 stitches together

Pm: Place marker

Rep: Repeat

Rnd(s): Round(s)

St(s): Stitch(es)





Begin with Garter Stitch Edge:


With MC, CO 132 sts. Join, being careful not to twist sts and pm at beg of rnd.

Rnd 1: P (k)

Rnd 2: K (p)

Rep Rnds 1 and 2 three more times.

Work Body:

Work 1 purl (knit) rnd, inc 1 st at end of rnd – 133 sts. Introduce CC and work Chart A, reading chart from left to right (from right to left), dec 1 st at end of last rnd – 132 sts. DO NOT CUT CC OR MC YARN. You will be carrying both colors until instructed to cut yarn.

With MC, p (k) 1 rnd.

Work Chart A, reading chart from left to right (from right to left).

With MC, p (k) 1 rnd.

Work Chart B, reading chart from left to right (from right to left).

With MC, p (k) 1 rnd.

Work Chart B, reading chart from right to left (from left to right).

With MC p (k) 1 rnd.

Work Chart B, reading chart from left to right (from right to left).

With MC, p (k) 1 rnd, inc 1 st at end of rnd – 133 sts.

Work Chart A, reading chart from left to right (from right to left). You may now cut CC yarn.

With MC, p (k) 1 rnd, dec 1 st at end of rnd – 132 sts.

Garter Stitch Edge:

Rnd 1: K (p)

Rnd 2: P (k)

Rep Rnd 1 and 2 two more times. Bind off in knit (purl) stitch. Make sure you have the same number of purl ridges on the right side of the work as you have on the beginning garter stitch edge.



Weave in yarn tails. Following yarn manufacturer’s recommendation, wash and dry/block cowl to desired measurements.


Chart A


Chart B:



Marcia McCormack, Lena’s Legacy Hand Knits, copyright 2014, All Rights Reserved

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